The Crucibles That Shape Us

Navigating the Defining Challenges of Leadership

Gayle D. Beebe

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „The Crucibles That Shape Us“

We often see setbacks and disasters as events that keep us from our best life. But they're really opportunities to grow in leadership.
The problem of suffering is a spiritual hurdle for many that disorients us and those we lead. Gayle D. Beebe tackles the existential crisis head-on, revealing that, although we are bewildered at first, these situations ultimately prepare us. Previously viewing these challenges as insurmountable, he has come to recognize them as essential passageways in our relationship with God.
Beebe identifies seven crucibles—powerful catalysts for transformation—that, when embraced, shape us on this profound journey. Each chapter of this book delves into one of the crucibles, which Beebe intimately understands and has personally faced. Amid the realities of life's suffering, use this illuminating guidebook and find how colossal setbacks become a bedrock for a better, richer faith.






ca. 127





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