
Gospel Hope When Life Doesn't Make Sense

Paul David Tripp

Religion & Glaube

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Beschreibung zu „Suffering“

Sometimes life just hurts.
Out of nowhere, death, illness, unemployment, or a difficult relationship can change our lives and challenge everything we thought we knew—leaving us feeling unable to cope. But, in the midst if all this pain and confusion, we are not alone.
Weaving together his personal story, pastoral ministry experience, and biblical insights, best-selling author Paul David Tripp helps us trust God in the midst of suffering. He identifies traps to avoid in our suffering and points us instead to comforts to embrace. This raw yet hope-filled book will help you cling to God's promises when trials come and move forward with the hope of the gospel.

Über Paul David Tripp

Paul David Tripp, M.Div., D.Min., is the President of Paul Tripp Ministries, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life. This mission leads Paul to weekly speaking engagements around the world. In addition, Paul is the Executive Director of the Center for Pastoral Life and Care in Fort Worth, Texas, as well as a best-selling author who has written numerous books on Christian living. He has been married for many years to Luella and they have four grown children.






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