
Gail Hamilton

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Beschreibung zu „Gala-Days“

In Gail Hamilton's 'Gala-Days', the reader is transported to a collection of insightful essays that reflect on various aspects of daily life in the mid-19th century. Written in a witty and engaging style, the book provides a unique glimpse into the social and political landscape of the time, tackling issues such as women's rights and the civil war. Hamilton's keen observations and sharp commentary make 'Gala-Days' a compelling read that offers valuable insights into the cultural context of the era. With a blend of humor and intellect, the essays are both entertaining and thought-provoking, making it a must-read for those interested in American history and literature. Gail Hamilton's background as a prominent feminist and social commentator lends depth and authenticity to her writing, making 'Gala-Days' a significant contribution to the literary canon. Overall, this book is highly recommended for readers looking to explore the complexities of 19th-century America through the eyes of a perceptive and insightful author.


Good Press




ca. 294





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