Sermons for the Times

Charles Kingsley

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Beschreibung zu „Sermons for the Times“

In 'Sermons for the Times' by Charles Kingsley, readers are presented with a collection of thought-provoking sermons that reflect the author's progressive views on social issues of his time. Kingsley's literary style is a blend of eloquence and fervor, making his messages both impactful and engaging for readers. Written during the Victorian era, these sermons provide insights into the societal challenges and moral dilemmas faced by individuals in the 19th century. Charles Kingsley, a prominent figure in the Victorian literary scene, was a clergyman and social reformer who used his platform to advocate for social justice and the betterment of society. His experiences as a clergyman and involvement in various social movements inspired him to address these issues through his writings, including 'Sermons for the Times.' I highly recommend 'Sermons for the Times' to readers interested in exploring the intersection of literature, religion, and social commentary. Kingsley's powerful sermons offer timeless reflections on morality, ethics, and the responsibility of individuals towards creating a more just and equitable world.


Good Press




ca. 248





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