A Treatise on Medical Astrology

Frederick Russell White

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Beschreibung zu „A Treatise on Medical Astrology“

Frederick Russell White's 'A Treatise on Medical Astrology' is a comprehensive exploration of the intersection between traditional medical practices and astrological beliefs. White delves into the ancient art of medical astrology, examining how the positions of celestial bodies can impact human health and well-being. Through detailed analysis and case studies, he elucidates the connections between planetary influences and various ailments, offering a unique perspective on the complex relationship between the physical and the metaphysical. White's writing style is scholarly and erudite, drawing on historical texts and medical knowledge to support his theories. This book is a valuable resource for those interested in astrology, medicine, and the history of medical practices. The thorough examination of medical astrology in 'A Treatise on Medical Astrology' showcases White's expertise in the field, making it a must-read for scholars and enthusiasts alike. Whether exploring the role of astrology in healthcare or delving into esoteric knowledge, this book provides a thought-provoking and enlightening study of a fascinating subject.


Good Press




ca. 33





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