Ancient calendars and constellations

Emmeline M. Plunket

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Beschreibung zu „Ancient calendars and constellations“

Emmeline M. Plunket's 'Ancient Calendars and Constellations' is a meticulously researched and intriguing exploration of the history of ancient calendars and their connection to constellations. Plunket delves into the origins of various ancient calendars, such as the Mayan and Egyptian calendars, and examines how they were influenced by astronomical phenomena. The book is written in a scholarly yet accessible style, making it a valuable resource for both academics and general readers interested in the intersection of astronomy and ancient civilizations. Plunket's detailed analysis of the intricate relationship between ancient calendars and constellations sheds new light on the ways in which ancient societies interpreted and interacted with the celestial world. This book is a must-read for anyone fascinated by the mysteries of the night sky and the cultural significance of timekeeping systems throughout history.


Good Press




ca. 175





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