My Lattice, and Other Poems

Frederick George Scott

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Beschreibung zu „My Lattice, and Other Poems“

Frederick George Scott's 'My Lattice, and Other Poems' is a collection of deeply introspective and spiritually illuminating poems that reflect the author's contemplation of nature, faith, and the human experience. Written in a traditional poetic style with rich imagery and vivid metaphors, the poems in this collection evoke a sense of awe and wonder, inviting readers to reflect on the beauty and complexity of life. Scott's work is reminiscent of the Romantic poets, with a touch of modern sensibility that sets it apart in the literary landscape. Through his poetry, Scott explores themes of love, loss, and the eternal quest for meaning in a world filled with both light and darkness. Frederick George Scott, a Canadian poet and Anglican priest, drew inspiration from his deep religious beliefs and his experiences as a military chaplain during World War I. His profound understanding of human nature and his unwavering faith are evident in his poetry, making 'My Lattice, and Other Poems' a profound and thought-provoking read for anyone interested in exploring the intersection of spirituality and art. I highly recommend 'My Lattice, and Other Poems' to readers who appreciate poetry that delves into the depths of the human soul and offers insights into the mysteries of existence. Scott's timeless verses will resonate with anyone seeking beauty, truth, and solace in the written word.


Good Press




ca. 44





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