Old Groans and New Songs

Being Meditations on the Book of Ecclesiastes

Frederick Charles Jennings

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Beschreibung zu „Old Groans and New Songs“

In 'Old Groans and New Songs' by Frederick Charles Jennings, the author explores themes of transformation and resilience through a collection of poetic verses. Written in a lyrical and introspective style, the book delves into the complexities of human emotions and the power of personal growth. Jennings showcases a keen understanding of the human experience, using vivid imagery and thoughtful prose to engage readers in a reflective journey through life's ups and downs. Set against the backdrop of modern society, the book offers a timeless perspective on the universal aspects of change and hope. With its blend of traditional and innovative literary techniques, 'Old Groans and New Songs' stands out as a poignant and thought-provoking work in contemporary poetry. Frederick Charles Jennings, with a background in psychology and a passion for creative expression, brings a unique perspective to his writing. His insights into the human psyche and his appreciation for the beauty of language shine through in this versatile collection. Readers who enjoy thought-provoking poetry that speaks to the heart and soul will find 'Old Groans and New Songs' to be a compelling and enriching read. Jennings' ability to evoke profound emotions and inspire introspection make this book a valuable addition to any poetry lover's collection.


Good Press




ca. 131





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