How to Fail in Literature: A Lecture

Andrew Lang

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Beschreibung zu „How to Fail in Literature: A Lecture“

In Andrew Lang's 'How to Fail in Literature: A Lecture,' the author delves into the nuances of literary success and failure, offering a witty and insightful exploration of the pitfalls and challenges that aspiring writers often face. Lang's writing style is marked by a clever blend of humor and critical analysis, making this book an engaging read for both literary enthusiasts and budding writers alike. Set against the backdrop of the late 19th century literary world, 'How to Fail in Literature' provides valuable insights into the author's own struggles and triumphs, offering a unique perspective on the creative process. Lang expertly navigates topics such as writer's block, rejection, and the pressures of literary society, providing readers with practical advice and encouragement. Fans of literature and aspiring writers will find Lang's lecture to be a valuable resource and an entertaining read that sheds light on the challenges of pursuing a career in writing.

Über Andrew Lang

Andrew Lang (1844 – 1912) was a collector of fairy tales and folklore from around the world. Between 1889 and 1910 he published a dozen books known as the coloured fairy books. He was also a historian and wrote hundreds of essays and short-stories. He died at age 68.


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