Borneo and the Indian Archipelago with drawings of costume and scenery

Frank Marryat

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Beschreibung zu „Borneo and the Indian Archipelago with drawings of costume and scenery“

In 'Borneo and the Indian Archipelago with drawings of costume and scenery,' Frank Marryat provides a detailed account of his travels through the regions, describing the landscapes, cultures, and people he encountered. His vivid imagery and attention to detail bring the exotic locations to life for the reader, making this book a valuable resource for understanding the colonial perspective of the 19th century. Marryat's literary style is informative yet engaging, appealing to both scholars and general readers interested in the history and cultures of Southeast Asia. The inclusion of drawings of costume and scenery further enhances the visual aspect of the book, providing a visual aid to accompany the descriptive text. Overall, this book offers a comprehensive look at a region that was relatively unknown to Western audiences at the time of writing. Frank Marryat's firsthand experiences and keen observations make 'Borneo and the Indian Archipelago' a compelling read for anyone interested in the exploration and documentation of new lands.


Good Press




ca. 213





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