Burn, Witch, Burn!

Abraham Merritt

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Beschreibung zu „Burn, Witch, Burn!“

Abraham Merritt's 'Burn, Witch, Burn!' is a gripping tale of supernatural horror set in the early 20th century. The novel follows the protagonist, Dr. Lowell, as he delves into the world of witchcraft and black magic to uncover the mysterious deaths of his friends. Merritt's writing style is reminiscent of Gothic literature, with vivid descriptions that immerse the reader in a dark and eerie atmosphere. The book blends elements of mystery, occultism, and psychological tension, making it a captivating read for fans of the genre. Merritt's exploration of fear and the unknown reflects the societal anxieties of his time, adding depth to the narrative. His use of symbolism and allegory enhances the thematic richness of the story, inviting readers to ponder the nature of evil and the power of belief. 'Burn, Witch, Burn!' is a thought-provoking and haunting novel that will leave readers questioning the boundaries between reality and superstition.


Good Press




ca. 165





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