A Georgian Pageant

Frank Frankfort Moore

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Beschreibung zu „A Georgian Pageant“

Frank Frankfort Moore's 'A Georgian Pageant' is a captivating historical novel that delves into the intricate social and political landscape of eighteenth-century England. The book's elegant prose and vivid descriptions paint a vivid image of the Georgian era, providing readers with a glimpse into the lives of both the aristocracy and the common people. The author's meticulous attention to detail and comprehensive research offer a rich tapestry of historical events and cultural nuances, making the novel a must-read for history enthusiasts and literature lovers alike. Frank Frankfort Moore, known for his expertise in historical fiction, brings his unique perspective and storytelling prowess to 'A Georgian Pageant'. His deep understanding of the period shines through in his vivid characterizations and nuanced exploration of societal norms and conventions. Moore's insightful narrative provides a fresh take on Georgian England, shedding light on both the grandeur and the shadows of this fascinating era. For readers seeking an immersive and engaging read that transports them to another time, 'A Georgian Pageant' is a compelling choice. Moore's expertly crafted tale offers a window into the past, inviting readers to experience the grandeur, intrigue, and complexity of the Georgian era firsthand.


Good Press




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