Psycho-Phone Messages

Francis Grierson

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Beschreibung zu „Psycho-Phone Messages“

In 'Psycho-Phone Messages' by Francis Grierson, the author delves into the realm of paranormal communication through the device known as the psycho-phone. Grierson explores the messages received from the beyond, providing a unique perspective on spiritual communication in the early 20th century. The literary style of the book is a mix of memoir, investigative journalism, and supernatural storytelling, making it a captivating read for those interested in the supernatural and the power of communication across realms. Grierson's work is a rare glimpse into a time when spiritualism and the unknown captured the public's imagination. His detailed accounts of psycho-phone messages offer a blend of skepticism and fascination, inviting readers to question their own beliefs and perspectives on the afterlife. 'Psycho-Phone Messages' is a thought-provoking and intriguing read for anyone curious about the mysteries of the spiritual world and the limits of human understanding.


Good Press




ca. 36





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