Studies in the Out-Lying Fields of Psychic Science

Hudson Tuttle

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Beschreibung zu „Studies in the Out-Lying Fields of Psychic Science“

In 'Studies in the Out-Lying Fields of Psychic Science' by Hudson Tuttle, readers are taken on a thought-provoking journey through various aspects of psychic phenomena. Tuttle's writing style is meticulously detailed and scholarly, drawing connections between spiritualism and the scientific method. The book advances the discourse on psychic science by exploring topics such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and mediumship, within a historical literary context that reflects the intellectual curiosity of the late 19th century. Tuttle's narrative is both informative and engaging, making it a valuable resource for those interested in the intersection of spirituality and science. Hudson Tuttle's background as a renowned psychic researcher and lecturer provides valuable insight into the topic of psychic science. His firsthand experiences and dedication to the field are evident in the depth of knowledge presented in this book. I highly recommend 'Studies in the Out-Lying Fields of Psychic Science' to readers with a keen interest in exploring the mysteries of the mind and spirit.


Good Press




ca. 209





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