Cast a Dark Shadow

Ethan Flagg

Abenteuer & Western

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Beschreibung zu „Cast a Dark Shadow“

Acclaimed army scout Wink Jefford finds himself put on trial for helping a captured Apache brave to escape from Fort Defiance in New Mexico. Forced to leave in disgrace, Wink is hired to guide some settlers to the town of Tularosa, but they are attacked by Apaches led by Mangus Voya who is intent on driving the hated invaders from his lands. Wink tries parleying with the Indians but is staked out. The wife of Mangus helps him to escape for saving her son, Shinto. On reaching Tularosa he is accused of cowardice for abandoning his duty allowing the Indians to massacre the settlers. Wink is jailed by Sheriff Troy Vickery for his own safety. Shinto helps him to escape a lynching and reveals that the settlers were betrayed by a white man. Tracking down the culprit enables Wink to uncover the startling reason behind the treachery.


Robert Hale Fiction




ca. 109





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