The call to the ghosts of Brittany

Grimoire of forbidden witchcraft

Erwann Clairvoyant

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Beschreibung zu „The call to the ghosts of Brittany“

Discover a book of ancestral Breton rituals to get in touch with the world of ghosts.
Immerse yourself in the mystical and haunting world of Brittany, where wandering spirits still roam today, and explore the traditional practices that will allow you to communicate with them.

Justice, breakup, obsession, career, money and physical appearance are the main themes of this fascinating book. Each ritual is explained and the legend is told in such a way that you can immerse yourself in it.

Our book offers you a unique collection of Breton rituals, transmitted from generation to generation, to connect you to the ghosts and spirits of this region imbued with legends and mysteries.
Whether you are a follower of Breton esoteric practices or a curious neophyte, you will find in these pages detailed and accessible instructions to carry out each ritual.


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