The Poor Scholar

Traits And Stories Of The Irish Peasantry, The Works of / William Carleton, Volume Three

William Carleton

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Beschreibung zu „The Poor Scholar“

In William Carleton's 'The Poor Scholar', the reader is taken on a journey through rural Ireland in the early 19th century. This poignant novella explores themes of poverty, education, and the struggle for social mobility. Carleton's literary style is characterized by vivid descriptions of the countryside, authentic dialect, and a keen eye for social injustices. The novella is a prime example of Irish rural literature and provides valuable insights into the societal structure of the time. 'The Poor Scholar' is a compelling read that offers a window into an often overlooked aspect of Irish history and culture. The novella showcases Carleton's ability to blend social commentary with engaging storytelling, making it a timeless piece of literature that continues to resonate with modern readers.


Good Press




ca. 150





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