Curious Epitaphs, Collected from the Graveyards of Great Britain and Ireland

William Andrews

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Beschreibung zu „Curious Epitaphs, Collected from the Graveyards of Great Britain and Ireland“

In 'Curious Epitaphs, Collected from the Graveyards of Great Britain and Ireland,' William Andrews delves into the fascinating world of funerary inscriptions, shedding light on the unique and often whimsical epitaphs found in the graveyards of Great Britain and Ireland. Written in a scholarly and engaging style, the book provides readers with a detailed exploration of the literary context behind these epitaphs, offering insights into the cultural and historical significance of these often overlooked treasures. Andrews' meticulous research and keen eye for detail make this book a valuable resource for anyone interested in the intersection of literature and mortality. As a renowned expert in Victorian literature and culture, Andrews brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to this subject, allowing readers to gain a deeper appreciation for the art of epitaph writing and its place in the broader literary landscape. I highly recommend 'Curious Epitaphs' to anyone eager to uncover the hidden stories and mysteries found within the tombstones of Great Britain and Ireland.


Good Press




ca. 129





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