Epitaphs for Country Churchyards

Augustus John Cuthbert Hare

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Beschreibung zu „Epitaphs for Country Churchyards“

In 'Epitaphs for Country Churchyards' by Augustus John Cuthbert Hare, readers are taken on a journey through the quaint and oft-overlooked epitaphs found in rural churchyards. Hare's writing style is both lyrical and informative, delving into the history and folklore behind each inscription. Through his meticulous research and keen observations, Hare provides readers with a deeper understanding of the lives and communities buried beneath these timeless words. This book serves as both a literary exploration and a historical treasure trove, offering readers a glimpse into the past through the lens of these poignant epitaphs. Augustus John Cuthbert Hare, a noted author and travel writer, was inspired to compile 'Epitaphs for Country Churchyards' by his love for British history and his fascination with the remnants of the past. His keen eye for detail and passion for storytelling shine through in this collection of epitaphs, making it a must-read for anyone interested in history, folklore, or literature. I highly recommend 'Epitaphs for Country Churchyards' to readers who appreciate the beauty of language, the mysteries of the past, and the stories hidden within the stones of rural churchyards. Hare's work is a masterpiece of cultural preservation and a testament to the enduring power of remembrance.


Good Press




ca. 41





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