Slave Narratives

A Folk History of Slavery in the United States. From Interviews with Former Slaves / Indiana Narratives

United States. Work Projects Administration

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Beschreibung zu „Slave Narratives“

The collection of narratives compiled under the title 'Slave Narratives' by the United States Work Projects Administration offers a profound insight into the lived experiences of enslaved individuals in America. Written in a direct and unembellished style, these narratives capture the raw emotions and stark realities of slavery, providing a valuable historical record for readers seeking to understand this dark chapter in American history. Each account is a poignant testimony to the resilience and courage of those who endured the brutality of slavery, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in African American literature and history. The book also serves as a testament to the power of storytelling as a tool for resistance and collective memory preservation in the face of oppression. United States Work Projects Administration's meticulous compilation and preservation of these narratives contribute significantly to our understanding of the legacy of slavery in America. As an essential addition to any library, 'Slave Narratives' is recommended for readers looking to engage with primary sources and gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of slavery in the United States.


Good Press




ca. 172





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