Civil War Experiences, 1862-1865

Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Buzzard Roost, Resaca, Rome, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Atlanta, Jonesboro, Averysboro, Bentonville

Edward Mott Robbins

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Beschreibung zu „Civil War Experiences, 1862-1865“

In 'Civil War Experiences, 1862-1865' by Edward Mott Robbins, readers are taken on a harrowing yet insightful journey through the personal accounts of soldiers who fought in the American Civil War. The book is structured as a collection of letters, diary entries, and first-hand narratives, providing a candid and unfiltered look into the realities of war. This literary style adds authenticity and depth to the stories, allowing readers to truly immerse themselves in the experiences of the soldiers. Additionally, Robbins includes historical context and analysis to enhance the reader's understanding of the events described. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the Civil War or seeking a deeper understanding of this pivotal time in American history. Edward Mott Robbins, a historian and researcher with a passion for uncovering forgotten stories, was inspired to compile this collection after discovering a treasure trove of wartime correspondences. His dedication to preserving these accounts ensures that the voices of those who lived through the Civil War are not lost to history. 'Civil War Experiences, 1862-1865' stands as a testament to Robbins' commitment to honoring the sacrifices and struggles of those who fought in this tumultuous period. I highly recommend this book to history enthusiasts, scholars, and anyone looking to gain a more personal perspective on the Civil War.


Good Press




ca. 26





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