Everybody Has a Story III

Erasmus 2015 Campus Haderslev

Torbjørn Ydegaard (Ed.)

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Beschreibung zu „Everybody Has a Story III“

This is the third book in the series “Everybody Has a Story”. The story behind the idea for these books and their title goes back to The Freedom Writers Diary that came about as the result of the teachings of young teacher at a high school in a socially deprived area in Long Beach near Los Angeles. The teacher, Erin Gruwell, found herself more or less forced to base her teachings on the stories of the living conditions of her students. When she became aware of these stories and managed to relate the content of the curriculum to them, her students started to find interest in the subjects of the school – and they began to learn.
This book is the result of a Freedom Writer course during the spring-semester 2015. During the course the students were faced with different writing exercises as well as hand-on art-making ranging from drawings over photos to videos. The texts, pictures and other contents of the book are made anonymous to protect the participating students as these products might be very personal. And personal it has to be, when you become aware of whom you actually are!

Über Torbjørn Ydegaard (Ed.)

Torbjørn Ydegaard is Danish but educated as mentor of out-door life from The Norwegian School of Mountaineering and hold a Master of Education from University of Oslo, Norway. He is also educated Freedom Writer Teacher. Torbjørn is cur-rently teaching pedagogy at University College South-Denmark. His students range from bachelors of Nutrition and Health to soldiers in the armed forces. Besides that Torbjørn is Chairman of the Board in the Danish NGO Himalayan Project that runs among other things school empowerment projects in a moun-tain region in Nepal. Contact: tyde@ucsyd.dk.

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