Old Times in the Colonies & The Story of Liberty

Charles Carleton Coffin

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Beschreibung zu „Old Times in the Colonies & The Story of Liberty“

"Old Times in the Colonies" is an outline of some of the principal events that transpired during the colonial period of our country, and portrays the hardships and sufferings of those who laid the foundations of a new empire. It will show how the Old World laws, habits, and customs were gradually changed; how the grand ideas of Freedom and the Rights of Man took root and flourished. It covers the period from the discovery and settlement of America to the Revolutionary War.This "Story of Liberty" is a true narrative. It covers a period of five hundred years fight for liberty, from the Magna Carta (1215) up to the landing of the Pilgrims in Massachusetts (1620).


Musaicum Books




ca. 599





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