A Short Account of the Botany of Poole

Thomas Bell Salter

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Beschreibung zu „A Short Account of the Botany of Poole“

Thomas Bell Salter's 'A Short Account of the Botany of Poole' is a meticulously crafted botanical exploration of the flora found in the Poole region. Written in a descriptive and informative style, Salter provides detailed observations of various plant species, their habitats, and ecological significance. This book not only serves as a valuable resource for botany enthusiasts, but also reflects Salter's keen eye for detail and passion for the natural world. Set within the context of 19th-century botanical studies, 'A Short Account of the Botany of Poole' showcases Salter's expertise and dedication to the field, making it a timeless contribution to botanical literature. Salter's background as a botanist and environmentalist likely motivated him to document the unique plant life of Poole, highlighting the importance of preserving biodiversity. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in botany, ecology, or the rich natural history of the Poole region.


Good Press




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