The Flying Cross Ranch Romances Volume One

A Sweet Second Chance Romance

Shanae Johnson

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Beschreibung zu „The Flying Cross Ranch Romances Volume One“

Journey home to the Flying Cross ranch with three sweet tales of second chances at love!

Air Force Pilot Charlie Matthews has flown to the farthest reaches of the world, but he can never seem to reconnect with his first, and only love. Will their latest reunion finally land them on a path to forever in His Vow to Love?

JAG Officer Joe Matthews can't afford a scandal when he comes home to run for political office. So finally admitting his feelings for his free-spirited childhood crush is probably not gonna be good for his image in His Vow to Treasure.

Commercial Airline Pilot, Will Matthews's first crush showed him that he could fly high… until his heart came crashing down. Now, the one that got away is circling back around, but this time can he stick the landing in His Vow to Adore?

Give the Matthews brothers a chance in this series of heartwarming stories that prove that falling in love is an act of heroism, but finding family is life's most extraordinary achievement!






ca. 264





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