Captain Ravenshaw; Or, The Maid of Cheapside. A Romance of Elizabethan London

Robert Neilson Stephens

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Beschreibung zu „Captain Ravenshaw; Or, The Maid of Cheapside. A Romance of Elizabethan London“

Robert Neilson Stephens' 'Captain Ravenshaw; Or, The Maid of Cheapside' is a captivating romance set in Elizabethan London, showcasing the author's intricate storytelling and meticulous attention to historical detail. The novel takes readers on a journey through the bustling streets of London, exploring the societal norms and class divisions of the time. Stephens seamlessly weaves together elements of romance, mystery, and drama, creating a rich tapestry of characters and plot twists that keep readers engaged from start to finish. His vivid descriptions and engaging dialogue bring the Elizabethan era to life, immersing readers in a world of intrigue and passion. Stephens' literary prowess shines through in every page, making 'Captain Ravenshaw' a must-read for fans of historical fiction and romance novels. With his deep understanding of the period and his skillful storytelling, Stephens delivers a compelling narrative that will resonate with readers long after they have finished the book.


Good Press




ca. 238





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