Ireland under the Tudors (Vol. 1-3)

With a Succinct Account of the Earlier History (Complete Edition)

Richard Bagwell


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Beschreibung zu „Ireland under the Tudors (Vol. 1-3)“

This 3-volume book features a detailed historical account of one of the most turbulent periods in Irish history. The Tudor conquest (or reconquest) of Ireland took place under the Tudor dynasty, which held the Kingdom of England during the 16th century. Following a failed rebellion against the crown by Silken Thomas, the Earl of Kildare, in the 1530s, Henry VIII was declared King of Ireland in 1542 by statute of the Parliament of Ireland, with the aim of restoring such central authority as had been lost throughout the country during the previous two centuries. Several people who helped establish the Plantations of Ireland also played a part later in the early colonization of North America, particularly a group known as the West Country men. Alternating conciliation and repression, the conquest continued for sixty years, until 1603, when the entire country came under the nominal control of James I.
The Reign of Henry VII
From the Accession of Henry VIII to the Year 1534
The Geraldine Rebellion, 1534-1535
From the Year 1536 to the Year 1540
End of Grey's Administration
1540 and 1541
1541 to the Close of the Reign of Henry VIII
The Irish Church under Henry VIII
From the Accession of Edward VI to the Year 1551
From the Year 1551 to the Death of Edward VI
The Reign of Mary
From the Accession of Elizabeth to the Year 1561
1564 and 1565
1570 and 1571
Foreign Intrigues
Administration of Fitzwilliam, 1574 and 1575
Administration of Sidney, 1575-1578
The Irish Church during the First Twenty Years of Elizabeth's Reign
Rebellion of James Fitzmaurice, 1579
The Desmond Rebellion, 1579-1580
The Desmond War 1580-1582
Government of Perrott, 1583-1588
The Invincible Armada
Administration of Fitzwilliam, 1588-1594
Government of Lord Burgh, 1597
General Rising under Tyrone, 1598-1599
Essex in Ireland, 1599
Government of Mountjoy, 1600-1601
The Spaniards in Munster, 1601-1602
The End of the Reign, 1602-1603
Elizabethan Ireland






ca. 1409





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