The Stuff of Manhood: Some Needed Notes in American Character

Robert E. Speer

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Beschreibung zu „The Stuff of Manhood: Some Needed Notes in American Character“

In 'The Stuff of Manhood: Some Needed Notes in American Character' by Robert E. Speer, the author delves into the essence of manhood in the American context. Written in a straightforward and thought-provoking style, Speer explores the qualities and characteristics that define true manhood, offering insights on integrity, resilience, and moral strength. This book is a reflection on the changing landscape of masculinity in America, providing readers with a critical analysis of what it means to be a man in today's society. Speer's literary approach is both educational and inspiring, drawing on historical examples and contemporary observations to make a compelling case for redefining traditional notions of manhood. Readers can expect to engage in deep, introspective reflection on their own values and beliefs as they navigate through this enlightening read. Robert E. Speer, a prominent American author and speaker, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to 'The Stuff of Manhood'. As a respected figure in the field of character development and ethics, Speer's motivation to write this book stems from his lifelong dedication to promoting positive values and virtues in society. His profound insights and unique perspective make this book a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of masculinity and personal growth. I highly recommend 'The Stuff of Manhood' to readers interested in exploring the complexities of manhood in the modern American context. This book is a valuable resource for those looking to cultivate a stronger sense of self and navigate the complexities of contemporary masculinity with wisdom and grace.


Good Press




ca. 135





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