A Search for America

Frederick Philip Grove

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Beschreibung zu „A Search for America“

In Frederick Philip Grove's 'A Search for America,' the reader is taken on a vivid and introspective journey that explores the intricacies of American society and culture. Through Grove's lyrical prose and vivid imagery, the reader is transported to a world where the search for identity and belonging takes center stage. The book's literary style combines elements of realism with philosophical ponderings, making it a unique and thought-provoking read for those interested in the complexities of the American experience. Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century America, Grove's novel captures the essence of a nation in transition, grappling with issues of tradition, modernity, and individuality. Grove's keen observations and deep insights make 'A Search for America' a compelling and insightful exploration of the human condition and the quest for meaning in a rapidly changing world. Readers will find themselves captivated by Grove's storytelling and deeply moved by the universal themes he addresses in this timeless work.


Good Press




ca. 451





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