The Hyborian Age - Conan's World

Robert E. Howard

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Beschreibung zu „The Hyborian Age - Conan's World“

In 'The Hyborian Age - Conan's World' by Robert E. Howard, readers are transported to a richly detailed and violent ancient world filled with legendary heroes, dark sorcery, and epic battles. Howard's writing style is characterized by its visceral descriptions, dynamic action sequences, and vivid world-building that immerses the reader in the savage beauty of the Hyborian Age. The book is considered a classic of sword and sorcery literature, influencing generations of writers and artists with its iconic protagonist, Conan the Barbarian. Howard's storytelling is as brutal as it is poetic, capturing a sense of lawless freedom and primitive power that defines the era. The Hyborian Age serves as a backdrop for Howard's exploration of themes such as honor, revenge, and the struggle between civilizations. Recommended for readers who enjoy adventure, myth, and the thrill of exploring ancient worlds.


Good Press




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