The Hour of the Dragon

Robert E. Howard

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Beschreibung zu „The Hour of the Dragon“

Robert E. Howard's 'The Hour of the Dragon' is a gripping and epic tale set in the Hyborian Age, showcasing the fierce and barbaric world of Conan the Cimmerian. Howard's vivid and descriptive writing style brings to life the brutal landscapes and intense battles that characterize this work. The book is a prime example of sword and sorcery literature, with themes of power, vengeance, and the struggle for dominance prevalent throughout. Readers will be captivated by the fast-paced action and the intricate plot that keeps them on the edge of their seats. Robert E. Howard, known for creating the iconic character Conan, drew inspiration from ancient myths, history, and his own imagination to craft this legendary tale. His deep understanding of pulp fiction and the fantasy genre shines through in 'The Hour of the Dragon,' cementing his place as a master storyteller. Howard's personal struggles and fascination with warrior cultures undoubtedly influenced the themes and characters in this book. Fans of high fantasy, adventure, and powerful storytelling will be enthralled by Robert E. Howard's 'The Hour of the Dragon.' This classic work is a must-read for anyone seeking a thrilling and immersive journey into a world of sword-wielding heroes and mystical forces.


Good Press




ca. 218





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