Historical record of the Seventh Regiment, or the Royal Fusiliers

Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1685, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1846

Richard Cannon

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Beschreibung zu „Historical record of the Seventh Regiment, or the Royal Fusiliers“

Richard Cannon's 'Historical record of the Seventh Regiment, or the Royal Fusiliers' is a meticulously researched and fascinating chronicle of the esteemed military unit, delving into its origins, battles, and illustrious history. Cannon's narrative style is both engaging and informative, providing readers with a detailed account of the regiment's role in various conflicts throughout the years. The book is a valuable resource for scholars and history enthusiasts seeking to understand the military strategies and experiences of the soldiers who served in this renowned regiment. Cannon's attention to detail and thorough exploration of primary sources add depth and credibility to his work, making it a compelling read for anyone interested in military history. Richard Cannon's background as a military historian and his in-depth knowledge of the subject matter shine through in this authoritative account. His expertise and dedication to preserving the legacy of the Seventh Regiment are evident in every page of this meticulously researched book. I highly recommend 'Historical record of the Seventh Regiment, or the Royal Fusiliers' to readers who seek a comprehensive and well-written exploration of this esteemed military unit.


Good Press




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