Historical Record of the Forty-sixth or South Devonshire Regiment of Foot

Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1741 and of Its Subsequent Services to 1851

Richard Cannon

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Beschreibung zu „Historical Record of the Forty-sixth or South Devonshire Regiment of Foot“

Richard Cannon's 'Historical Record of the Forty-sixth or South Devonshire Regiment of Foot' is a meticulously researched and detailed account of the regiment's history, from its formation to its various campaigns and battles. Cannon's writing style is factual and informative, presenting a wealth of information in a clear and organized manner. The book provides insights into the military strategies and tactics employed by the regiment, as well as the day-to-day life of the soldiers. This work is a valuable resource for historians and military enthusiasts interested in the British Army during the 19th century. The literary context of the book reflects the historical accounts of military campaigns and the documentation of regimental history common during the Victorian era. Cannon's expertise in military history is evident throughout the book, making it a comprehensive and authoritative account of the Forty-sixth Regiment. Readers will appreciate the depth of research and the attention to detail present in this work, making it a must-read for anyone interested in military history and regimental studies.


Good Press




ca. 82





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