The Decadent: Being the Gospel of Inaction

Wherein Are Set Forth in Romance Form Certain Reflections Touching the Curious Characteristics of These Ultimate Years, and the Divers Causes Thereof

Ralph Adams Cram

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Beschreibung zu „The Decadent: Being the Gospel of Inaction“

Ralph Adams Cram's 'The Decadent: Being the Gospel of Inaction' is a thought-provoking exploration of the decadent lifestyle and the consequences of embracing a philosophy of idleness and inaction. Set in the backdrop of the late 19th century, Cram's work reflects the zeitgeist of the Aesthetic and Decadent movements, featuring vivid descriptions and a contemplative tone that delves into the complexities of art and society. Through intricate prose and poetic language, Cram invites readers to ponder the nature of decadence and its implications on personal and societal morality. The novel challenges traditional Victorian values and conventions, presenting a unique perspective on art, beauty, and spiritual fulfillment. Ralph Adams Cram, a prominent architect and writer known for his Gothic Revival style, brings a distinguished blend of aesthetics and intellectual depth to 'The Decadent,' drawing on his own experiences and observations of the cultural milieu of his time. With a keen eye for detail and a profound understanding of human nature, Cram offers readers a captivating and insightful glimpse into the allure and dangers of decadence. 'The Decadent: Being the Gospel of Inaction' is a must-read for those interested in the intersection of art, philosophy, and society, and anyone seeking a nuanced exploration of the tensions between creative expression and ethical responsibility.

Über Ralph Adams Cram

Ralph Adams Cram (1863--1942) was a master builder and architect who is known for his dozens of Gothic revival churches, college outbuildings, and public civic houses as well as making his mark as a pioneer of the Art Deco movement with the Federal Building in Boston, MA. Born to a Unitarian minister, he lived most of his youth as an agnostic until he had a dramatic conversion experience during a mass in Rome on Christmas Eve, 1887 and thereafter became a devout Catholic. He also had a penchant for the magical arts, and had a somewhat secret life as a writer of occult fiction, and his stories reflect his attention to architectural details.


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