Physiological Economy in Nutrition

With special reference to the minimal proteid requirement of the healthy man

R. H. Chittenden

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Beschreibung zu „Physiological Economy in Nutrition“

In 'Physiological Economy in Nutrition' by R. H. Chittenden, the author explores the concept of how the body utilizes nutrients efficiently to maintain health and vitality. This thorough examination delves into the scientific principles behind nutrition and metabolism, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Chittenden's writing style is both informative and accessible, making complex physiological processes easily understandable for a wide audience. This book is a valuable contribution to the field of nutritional science, shedding light on the intricate mechanisms by which the body processes and utilizes food. As a pioneering work in the study of nutrition, 'Physiological Economy in Nutrition' serves as a foundational text for anyone interested in the intersection of food, health, and physiology. Readers will come away with a newfound appreciation for the importance of optimal nutrition in maintaining overall well-being and vitality.


Good Press




ca. 347





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