Kids Eat Sand

Dennis Harrell

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Beschreibung zu „Kids Eat Sand“

It seems almost impossible for humans to live without rules. Since the dawn of time, man has evolved with the help of patterns that have become whimsically adjusted in the course of evolution. Natural shoots could be one of the many important factors in our successful evolutionary history. And that is why the question arises as to why, with rules that seem to require the most natural, humans want to partially or completely prevent or restrict them. From unwritten laws to holy scriptures or bills, rules seem to restrict the needs of us all, in a variety of ways.

Every person has different rules depending on their culture, origin or belief. Some have more, the others less, yielding or strict, but ultimately everyone has rules. These are supposed to help us to live our lives in the best possible way, but these are often broken and nature gains the upper hand over our discipline.
Rules can be set by each individual, personal philosophies that are adopted by others grow steadily. However, laws apply to all affiliates of your district jurisdiction. And commandments are undeniably persecuted for the fear or the love of God.

Rules? Yes! Like sand on the beach, whether good or bad, right or wrong, sensible or not, even those who are convinced of a certain set of rules or respect these, are not necessarily immune to failure when it comes to following them through out their lifetime.

With the help of Sigmund Freud's works, I try to form parallels to a thoroughly ideological metaphor that explains how rules, and above all, at what age these establish and ultimately why we need them.
This book tries to explain everything surrounding these topics in 3 simple words. Kids eating sand


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