The Mystery of Angelina Frood

R. Austin Freeman

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Beschreibung zu „The Mystery of Angelina Frood“

In 'The Mystery of Angelina Frood' by R. Austin Freeman, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through a complex and intricate mystery. The book is crafted in the style of classic detective fiction, with detailed descriptions and expertly woven clues that keep readers guessing until the very end. Set in early 20th century England, the novel provides a glimpse into society at the time while also engaging readers with its clever plot twists and intriguing characters. Freeman's attention to detail and skillful storytelling make this a must-read for fans of mystery and crime fiction. The book is a shining example of Freeman's talent for crafting engaging and thought-provoking stories that stand the test of time. R. Austin Freeman, a pioneer in detective fiction, was a medical doctor by profession. His background in medicine gave him a unique perspective on crime and investigation, which is evident in his writing. Freeman's expertise in scientific methods and forensic evidence is reflected in the meticulous nature of his mysteries. I highly recommend 'The Mystery of Angelina Frood' to anyone who enjoys a well-crafted mystery with a touch of historical flair. Freeman's masterful storytelling and clever plot twists make this book a captivating read from beginning to end.


Good Press




ca. 265





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