"Stops", Or How to Punctuate

A Practical Handbook for Writers and Students

Paul Allardyce

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Beschreibung zu „"Stops", Or How to Punctuate“

In 'Stops', Or How to Punctuate, Paul Allardyce delves into the intricate world of punctuation, providing readers with a comprehensive guide on the correct usage of stops in written language. Allardyce's book not only explores the historical development of punctuation marks but also offers practical advice on their application in modern writing. Through detailed explanations and numerous examples, the author demonstrates the impact of proper punctuation on clarity and effectiveness of communication, making this book a valuable resource for writers and language enthusiasts alike. Written in a clear and accessible style, 'Stops' presents complex grammatical concepts in a straightforward manner, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced writers. This timeless work serves as a testament to the importance of punctuation in conveying meaning and enhancing the quality of written expression. Paul Allardyce's expertise in the field of linguistics shines through in this meticulous examination of punctuation, making 'Stops' a must-read for anyone seeking to enhance their writing skills.


Good Press




ca. 41





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