A Handbook of the English Language

A Comprehensive Guide to English Language Studies and Writing Instruction

R. G. Latham

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Beschreibung zu „A Handbook of the English Language“

R. G. Latham's "A Handbook of the English Language" serves as an essential reference for understanding the complexities and nuances of English. This comprehensive work explores linguistic elements such as grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, employing a precise yet accessible literary style that caters to both casual readers and scholars. As part of the 19th-century linguistic movement, Latham's meticulous approach is notable for its interweaving of descriptive and prescriptive elements, highlighting the evolution of English while advocating for its standard usage during a time of significant change in the language's structure and vocabulary. Latham, a philologist and an influential figure in the field of linguistics, was deeply invested in the English language's articulation and evolution. His academic background, enriched by his critical engagement with older languages, enabled him to appreciate the historical context of English. This background likely inspired his desire to create an accessible guide that would facilitate a broader understanding of English for students, teachers, and enthusiasts alike. Readers eager to deepen their understanding of the English language will find Latham's handbook an invaluable resource. Its balanced examination of linguistic principles, combined with Latham's insightful commentary, makes it not only a practical guide but also a thought-provoking exploration of the linguistic identity of English.


Good Press




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