Last Men in London

Olaf Stapledon

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Beschreibung zu „Last Men in London“

Olaf Stapledon's 'Last Men in London' is a thought-provoking novel that delves into the philosophical and ethical implications of a future society where humans have evolved into highly advanced beings. Written in the form of a series of dialogues between a group of individuals discussing the nature of existence and the purpose of life, Stapledon's work is characterized by its deep exploration of complex ideas and its unique blend of science fiction and philosophical themes. Set against the backdrop of a futuristic London, the novel offers a fascinating insight into the potential evolution of humanity and raises important questions about the nature of progress and the limits of human achievement. Stapledon's eloquent prose and insightful observations make 'Last Men in London' a compelling and thought-provoking read for fans of speculative fiction and philosophical literature.


Good Press




ca. 313





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