Toyota Production System comprehensive from theories to technique

Mr Shunsuke Tsuda Mr Samir Kumar Manna

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Beschreibung zu „Toyota Production System comprehensive from theories to technique“

This book (titled, Toyota Production System comprehensive from theories to technique), is
based on invaluable experiences of the author in M/s Toyota Motor Corporation. In this, the
philosophy and various techniques of how to imbibe Toyota Production System for organizational success have systematically been narrated with numerous real-life examples. It begins with a vivid description of how the Toyota Production System (TPS) was cradled and developed. This makes readers greatly enthused and interested in the Toyota Production System. Thereafter, the book deals in great depth with the methodology, tools and techniques, and the philosophy of the production management system. The uniqueness of the book is that it has provided step by step explanation of each aspect of TPS with live examples. Examples are the production system being followed by Toyota Motor Corporation to make cars. Apart from these details, the book focuses on how to implement the tools and techniques in varied conditions. Thus, the entire Production System has been very articulately presented so that the readers can understand and apply it very easily.






ca. 293





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