Moving Pictures: How They Are Made and Worked

Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot

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Beschreibung zu „Moving Pictures: How They Are Made and Worked“

In Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot's 'Moving Pictures: How They Are Made and Worked,' readers are taken on a comprehensive journey through the world of filmmaking. Talbot explores the technical aspects of creating moving images, ranging from the early processes to the modern techniques used in the burgeoning film industry. The book is written in a detailed and informative style, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the intricacies involved in making movies. Talbot's work is a valuable resource for those interested in the history and mechanics of film production, offering insights into a rapidly evolving art form. Frederick Arthur Ambrose Talbot, a renowned author and historian, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to 'Moving Pictures.' With a background in journalism and a passion for technological innovation, Talbot is well-equipped to delve into the complex world of filmmaking. His expertise shines through in the meticulous research and writing presented in the book. For film enthusiasts, aspiring filmmakers, and history buffs alike, 'Moving Pictures' is a must-read. Talbot's insightful exploration of the inner workings of the film industry makes this book a valuable addition to any cinephile's collection, offering a glimpse into the fascinating world of cinematic artistry.


Good Press




ca. 340





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