automatically to the Standard

10 - points - plan

Mike Fisher

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Beschreibung zu „automatically to the Standard“

During and after my studies I ran for a long time through the book stores and book departments and libraries and looked for advisors and instructions that could show me how to lead a company on the road to success. Nothing, nada, niente ... nothing at all, which shows me this way. Theoretical listings and regularities reflect the content there, everything that is preached to students at colleges and universities in lectures, whether as slides or in the form of lectures. It is very rare that the luck helps one to be allowed to experience practice-oriented lecturers, who can connect the basic knowledge which can be obtained theoretically also into practice-referred examples. I, on the other hand, was lucky during my studies. This later also shaped my professional career. To apply theoretical knowledge in practice in such a way that the success of an enterprise adjusts itself automatically. With this protocol series I present some aspects and remarks, which make it possible for one to regard and develop always up-to-date the market situation and the conditions of the own enterprise following positively, so that one should never get with its enterprise into the red numbers


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