The Tysons (Mr. and Mrs. Nevill Tyson)

May Sinclair

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Beschreibung zu „The Tysons (Mr. and Mrs. Nevill Tyson)“

May Sinclair's novel The Tysons (Mr. and Mrs. Nevill Tyson) is a poignant exploration of marriage, gender roles, and personal identity in early 20th century British society. Written in a modernist style, the novel delves into the inner lives of its characters with psychological acuity, using stream-of-consciousness narrative techniques to capture the complexities of human relationships. Sinclair's literary context as a pioneering feminist writer shines through in her portrayal of Mrs. Nevill Tyson's struggle for independence and self-determination in the face of societal expectations. The Tysons offers a nuanced and captivating depiction of a marriage under strain, revealing the tensions between duty and desire, tradition and modernity, in a changing world. May Sinclair, a prolific writer and prominent figure in the modernist movement, drew on her own experiences and observations of gender dynamics to craft this insightful and thought-provoking novel. Through its exploration of marriage and individual autonomy, The Tysons remains a relevant and compelling read for contemporary audiences interested in feminist literature and early 20th century British society.


Good Press




ca. 144





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