Better Meals for Less Money

Marietta McPherson Greenough

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Beschreibung zu „Better Meals for Less Money“

Marietta McPherson Greenough's 'Better Meals for Less Money' is a comprehensive guide to budget-friendly cooking that revolutionized culinary literature in the early 20th century. Written in a practical and accessible style, the book offers a range of recipes and meal planning strategies designed to help the average family eat well on a budget. Greenough's emphasis on using simple, economical ingredients and minimizing food waste reflects the austerity of the post-World War I era, making this work a valuable historical resource for understanding the domestic challenges of the time. Additionally, Greenough's engaging writing style and user-friendly approach make the book a timeless classic for anyone interested in cooking on a budget. perfect for those seeking to master the art of frugal yet delicious cooking. Whether you are a culinary enthusiast or simply looking to save money in the kitchen, 'Better Meals for Less Money' is a must-read for anyone looking to enhance their cooking skills while saving money.


Good Press




ca. 183





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