The Complete Works of Lord Byron

Poetry, Plays, Letters and Biographies: Don Juan, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Manfred, Hours of Idleness, The Siege of Corinth, Jeux d'Esprit, Prometheus, Cain…

Lord Byron

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Beschreibung zu „The Complete Works of Lord Byron“

This carefully crafted ebook: "The Complete Works of Lord Byron" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents:
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 1:
Fugitive Pieces
Poems on Various Occasions
Hours of Idleness
Poems Original and Translated
Early Poems from Various Sources
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 2:
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 3:
Poems 1809–1813
The Giaour: A Fragment of a Turkish Tale
The Bride of Abydos: A Turkish Tale
The Corsair
Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte
Hebrew Melodies:
She walks in Beauty
The Harp the Monarch Minstrel swept
If that High World
The Wild Gazelle
Oh! weep for those
On Jordan's Banks
Jeptha's Daughter
Oh! snatched away in Beauty's Bloom
My Soul is Dark
I saw thee weep
Thy Days are done
Song of Saul before his Last Battle
"All is Vanity, saith the Preacher"
When Coldness wraps this Suffering Clay
Vision of Belshazzar
Sun of the Sleepless!
Were my Bosom as False as thou deem'st it to be
Herod's Lament for Mariamne…
Poems 1814–1816
The Siege of Corinth
Poems of the Separation
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 4:
The Prisoner of Chillon
Poems of July—September, 1816:
Monody on the Death of the Right Hon. R. B. Sheridan
Manfred: A Dramatic Poem
The Lament of Tasso
Beppo: A Venetian Story
Ode on Venice
The Prophecy of Dante
The Morgante Maggiore of Pulci
Francesca of Rimini
Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice: An Historical Tragedy
The Vision of Judgment
Poems 1816-1823
The Blues: A Literary Eclogue
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 5:
Sardanapalus: A Tragedy
The Two Foscari: An Historical Tragedy
Cain: A Mystery
Heaven and Earth; A Mystery
Werner; or, The Inheritance: A Tragedy
The Deformed Transformed: A Drama
The Age of Bronze; or, Carmen Seculare et Annus haud Mirabilis
The Island; or, Christian and his Comrades
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 6:
Don Juan
The Works of Lord Byron, Vol. 7:
Jeux d'Esprit and Minor Poems, 1798–1824
Letters and Journals of Lord Byron
Byron by John Nichol
The Life of Lord Byron by John Galt






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