The Diary of a Middle-Aged Sage's Carefree Life in Another World: Volume 4

Kotobuki Yasukiyo


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Beschreibung zu „The Diary of a Middle-Aged Sage's Carefree Life in Another World: Volume 4“

Now that he’s got some spare time, Zelos is using it to make something that’ll stick out like a sore thumb in this fantasy world: a full-fledged motorbike. And his tinkering might just put him in more peril than any monster could!

Back at the Istol Academy of Magic, Celestina, Zweit, and Croesus are getting ready for a combat training camp in the Ramaf Woods. But with a conspiracy unfolding, the trip could end up being a bigger trial than the academy had bargained for—especially for Zweit, who’s right in the conspirators’ crosshairs.

Zelos and his mercenary companions are hired to tag along as guards to keep the students safe from anything, or anyone, that threatens the safety of the camp. Who knows what could be lurking among the trees...


J-Novel Club




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