From Old Country Bumpkin to Master Swordsman: My Hotshot Disciples Are All Grown Up Now, and They Won't Leave Me Alone Volume 3

Shigeru Sagazaki


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Beschreibung zu „From Old Country Bumpkin to Master Swordsman: My Hotshot Disciples Are All Grown Up Now, and They Won't Leave Me Alone Volume 3“

Every year, Liberis’s neighbor Sphenedyardvania sends a diplomatic delegation of royalty to foster friendship between their two nations. Each nation’s knights are responsible for the security of their own diplomats, so naturally, Allusia sees this as a wonderful opportunity to introduce Beryl on behalf of the Liberion Order. Beryl worries endlessly about meeting with royalty, but once the foreign knights arrive, he is greeted by a familiar face—Rose Mabelhart, the lieutenant commander of Sphenedyardvania’s knights, is yet another former student of his! However, conflict arises when Rose claims to be Beryl’s favorite...right in front of Allusia! The knights begin their escort duty, but dark shadows are on the move behind the scenes. Can Beryl help thwart these sinister machinations against Liberis? And can he handle the jealousy brewing among his adoring pupils?


J-Novel Club




ca. 183





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