Voting in a Time of Change

Kevin YL Tan Terence Lee

Politik & Gesellschaft

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Beschreibung zu „Voting in a Time of Change“

GE2020: an election that should not be forgotten for yielding startling outcomes, including the appointment of the first Leader of the Opposition.

Voting in a Time of Change is part of a longitudinal study by editors Kevin YL Tan and Terence Lee, who have been assembling trenchant analyses of each General Election by leading academics and commentators since GE2011. Their long game makes possible specific and unique insights. Of GE2020, this is what they have to say:

“The major political shift in Singapore that started in 2011 is marching on, even amidst a Covid-19 pandemic that was to have been a great disrupter. Whether we call this a ‘New Normal’ – as many did back in 2011 – or otherwise is not as important as the momentum for change that has built up since then. Covid-19 thus became a political backdrop to a social and political shift that was merely searching for a catalyst.”

What insights and lessons can we carry forward to the next General Elections? This is an indispensable milestone publication for citizens who wish to commit to even more informed choices, and for political observers who are keeping close tabs on the evolution of our political landscape.


Ethos Books




ca. 299





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