Well-Being for All: A Holistic Framework for Tropical Cities

Yann Follain Jamie Ding Feranda Chua

Politik & Gesellschaft

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Beschreibung zu „Well-Being for All: A Holistic Framework for Tropical Cities“

As cities continue to grow in this age of climate emergency, it is essential to question how cities are planned and designed in order to be prepared for the future. With a background in the built environment ranging from macro to micro-scale projects, the framework was born from our research and practice while imagining the future for the Paya Lebar Air Base Conceptual Master Plan project in Singapore from 2021 to 2022. Building upon this work, further research and interviews with local experts from urban planning, architecture, public policy and community stakeholders led us to answer this crucial question: How can the built environment be designed to support a holistic way of life towards the well-being of Planet, People & Prosperity in a Tropical context?

In this book, readers will learn how well-being can be realised through 12 inter-reliant Principles, be equipped with the skills to analyse their urban environment through intangible and tangible objectives. Coupled with strategies across the scales from urban planning to the buildings and spaces we inhabit, the book is useful for all interested in improving our built environment for all, from urban planners to architects, policy makers, community stakeholders and the everyday city residents.






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